Alaska joins Maine in calling for end to superdelegates

The Alaska Democratic Convention … also approved a resolution demanding an end to the use of super delegates at the Democratic National Convention.

“This year especially, we’ve seen a lot of concern about super delegates and the weight they’re given in the party. And some people would really like the delegation to reflect the will and the vote of the people,” said Jake Hamburg, the communications director for the Alaska Democratic Party. – KTVA

Alaska’s resolution is non-binding, and Maine’s binding resolution doesn’t take effect (in theory) until 2020, but, in reality, once the primaries are over this issue will likely just fade away.

It is important to note, however, that the DNC did reduce the number of superdelegates after the 2008 cycle, removing the “add-on” delegates. One easy fix would be to give all superdelegates 1/2 vote – thereby reducing the overall impact of the superdelegates, but making sure they still all have seats at the convention.

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