Democratic Convention Watch: Dean: Decision in early December

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Dean: Decision in early December

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Now that the successful mid-terms are over, Dean is now focusing on picking the host city for the 2008 Democratic Convention:

Dean said that the selection of a host city – which has now come down to New York and Denver – had “slipped” off his radar in recent weeks, as Democrats and Republicans clashed furiously for control of Congress. It will now be “my next big decision,” he said. Dean said that Democatic Party aides “are in negotiations with both cities” and that he won’t an announcement for several weeks. He is shooting for an announcement in early December, Dean said.

The party chairman said “we had a great night in Colorado,” and expressed his happiness with picking up two congressional seats in Arizona and potentially a Senate seat in Montana. In other states, like Idaho and Nevada, the Democrats “are coming very close” to scoring significant gains, he said. “I’m very pleased with what we did in the West,” said Dean.

You could read the last paragraph as a hint that Dean will be picking Denver, but the article is from a Denver paper, and the quotes could easily have been prompted by specific questions. I wouldn’t read too much into it.

Update: More from Dean:

Dean said the decision “is a long and very complicated process,” and that both Denver and New York are negotiating contracts. “I can’t tell you which way we’re leaning because I don’t know,” Dean said.

Dean: Decision in early December2006-11-08T14:50:00-05:00MattHoward Dean|Site Selection|