Democratic Convention Watch: Missing superdelegate endorsements

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Missing superdelegate endorsements

WE’VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at

As our regular readers know, we only count a superdelegate for a candidate if there is a public record of support for the candidate. That puts our numbers lower then some media organizations, which use a much lower bar for their numbers.

We know that we have avid supporters from all the campaigns posting and sending us tips about endorsements, so we’re asking for your help. The AP provides a state-by-state breakdown of their delegate count. We’ve compared it with our state-by-state breakdown, and we’ve identified the states where we are missing some superdelegate endorsements. We’ve listed below every state where the AP shows 2 or more superdelegates than we do. Go out and hit Google or Lexus-Nexus, and find our missing superdelegates. Remember, we need publicly available sources.

Clinton: Alabama – 2, Guam – 2, Kentucky – 2, Louisiana – 2, Massachusetts – 3, New York – 6, Pennsylvania – 5, West Virginia – 2.

Obama: California – 4, DC – 2, Illinois – 3, Massachusetts – 2, South Dakota – 2.

Edwards: California – 2, North Carolina – 3.

(In case you’re wondering why the numbers may not add up, there are states where we have more superdelegate endorsements than the AP. We have 4 for Clinton from MO, the AP has 2. We have 3 for Clinton from Puerto Rico, the AP has zippo. Not bad for a small blog compared to the biggest media organization in the world).


Anonymous said…

This article:
says that NY’s June O’Neill and David Pollack have endorsed Clinton. I’m not sure if this meets your standards, but it’s all I could find from NY.
(endorsements in 4th paragraph of page 2)

Anonymous said…

What a process! The establishment lines up behind Hilary while the best hope for the Party (and the Country) in years gets frozen out.
Lokk at Hilary’s supporters – a virtual “who’s who” of Congressional Democrats who trot out the same cliches and do nothing for their country.

ALDem said…

Turnham and Worley are probably counted as the AL Hillary endorsers, though neither have done so publicly:,2933,256506,00.html

Matt said…

Excellent catch on the AL Clinton supporters. We won’t add them to our numbers, but we’re keeping track of these non-public endorsements.