Democratic Convention Watch: Wisconsin Primary and Hawaii Caucus Tracker

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Wisconsin Primary and Hawaii Caucus Tracker

WE’VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at

Wisconsin will be holding its primary today and Hawaii will be having caucuses.
Democrats Abroad should be posting their results in the next few days.
We will update numbers as they come in.

State Delegates
% Vote In % Clinton %Obama Delegates Clinton Delegates Obama
Wisconsin 99% 41% 58% 32 42
Hawaii 100% 24% 76% 6 14
Tuesday Total 38 56
Previously Pledged Delegates (AP) 979 1112
Total Pledged Delegates 1017 1168
Superdelegate Endorsements 238.0 167.5
1255.0 1335.5
Delegates Still Needed to Win Nomination 769.5 689.0

Final Update 10:00 PM, Wednesday. Source: CNN.

This page will not be updated further. For the latest updated delegate counts for all the states, see our Ultimate Delegate Tracker.

Next up are Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas and Vermont on March 4th.


coydecoy said…

Where’s your soruce for these numbers? You are getting them faster than major newspapers (NYT, WP, LAT)….

Carrie said…

As always, thanks for the great service!

Am I misreading, or is the # of delegates remaining in WI a typo (315)? I think Wisconsin has a total of 74 pledged delegates and, per this table, 59 have been allocated (24+35). I would have expected the count of delegates left to be 15?

Peter said…

Curious why you’re using separate sources for votes and delegates.

Matt said…

Peter – because CNN reports vote numbers faster, but CBS posts delegate estimates faster.

Carrie – fixed, thanks.

Reb said…

Hey, I’m really glad I found this blog because I couldn’t find an answer anywhere about what will happen to Edwards’ delegates. Thank you!

NiceGuy1951 said…


There is no clear answer to that question.
However, many people have speculated in many different ways.

This site might help explain a little bit.

bobpearson said…

I have not seen a report on the significantly larger voting in nearly every state for the democratic primaries than for the Republican primaries. For example in Wisconsin the margin is nearly 3 to one for the democratic candidates over the total Republican field. Obama even had more votes than all Republicans put together! This seems like big news to me but has not been reported. Could you guys do a report on this. I know this observation is more about the general election than the Dem Convention, but it seems a story that is important to the Democratic plans for November.

Bob in Bend, OR

gklass said…

Obama will get either 14 or 15 of the 20 Ha delegates.

5 statewide
5 from the 7 delegate district
4 or 5 from the 6 delegate district

J said…

CNN has full HI delegate count: Obama 14, Clinton 6.
CBS may be faster when the focus is on, but they slack a bit after that.

gklass said…

Wisconsin: O-C: 42-32

He picked up 18 delegates in two states on Tuesday. Not much for over 60% of the vote.

But this tells you how hard it will be for Clinton to get back in the lead.

MartinJordo said…

Well, go look at the polls for Illinois and Pennsylvania and check those states delegate numbers, and you can still see why this is a race. Add to that the +55 delegates Clinton should get from Puerto Rico (winner takes all). It is still close…

JulioP said…


I believe that Puerto Rico’s delegates are proportionally distributed and NOT winner-take-all. See:

BTW, I believe you meant Ohio and not Illinois. So you see. Clinton does have an uphill battle.

Matt said…

J wrote:

CBS may be faster when the focus is on, but they slack a bit after that.

Agreed. We use AP for our longer term vote totals. Don’t forget to check out the Ultimate Delegate Tracker for ongoing updates.