Democratic Convention Watch: DCCC to hold Convention Raffle

Friday, April 25, 2008

DCCC to hold Convention Raffle

WE’VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at

The DCCC knocked one out of the park with this idea.

Not a candidate for president? Didn’t get elected as a delegate from your state? Not to worry. You still may get a seat at the Democratic National Convention in Denver.

For $35, you can buy a chance to win tickets to the convention, airfare to and from Denver, and hotel accommodations from Sunday Aug. 24 through Thursday, Aug. 28.

The raffle is being run by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which raises money for Democratic members of the House and Democratic candidates for the House.

“Can you picture it,” the committee asks in an email to supporters. “The Democratic energy…and the promise of a historic nominee who will at long last restore the promise of America’s future…and you can be right there when it happens.” – McClatchy

And here it is… courtesy of Speaker of the House (and superdelegate) Nancy Pelosi.

The Democratic Convention in Denver is going to be so exciting. And, because of all you’ve done to support Democratic candidates, I want you to have the chance to be there in person.

I’m honored to serve as Chair of this history-making gathering. From the opening gavel right through Thursday when our nominee delivers an historic acceptance speech, it’s going to be a remarkable week.

You can win the opportunity to be right there in the Convention hall in Denver, Colorado when it all happens. Simply match your last gift of at least $25 or more by May 1st and you’ll receive an official entry for flight, hotel and accommodations to the Democratic Convention, Sunday, August 24th thru Thursday, August 28th. And every time you make a contribution for the same amount before the end of the month, you’ll receive another chance to win.

Enter our Match-It-By-May Convention Contest!

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is the engine driving change forward, but we must win the White House and strengthen our Democratic majority in the House to fully implement our New Direction agenda.

So I am asking people like you — who have gone online before to support our Democratic candidates — to please step forward again and match your most recent donation before the end of April.

We’re calling it our Match-It-By-May Campaign. With thousands of people acting over the next six days, we’ll have the resources to keep our 2008 victory plan on track. It’s time for you to act again. If you Match-It-By-May, we’ll have the time-sensitive financial support needed to win the tightest, most highly-contested races of 2008.

Enter the Match-It-By-May Convention Contest for a chance to see history in the making.

On to Denver,

Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House

Since the DCCC is blowing the NRCC away right now maybe they’ll pass some of the cash over to the DNC.

DCCC to hold Convention Raffle2008-04-25T11:21:00-04:00MattDCCC|DNC|