Monthly Archives: February 2016

On to New Hampshire

So the caucuses are over and it’s off to New Hampshire for the whole crew, less those who are done. On the Democratic side, O’Malley wasn’t really a contender this cycle, and neither Clinton nor Sanders needs to change to run in the Granite State. As an aside, when people run and lose, they have a much better chance when they run again: Marty, we hardly knew ye’ but we’ll be looking forward to you in 8 years.

It seems that Bernie will win New Hampshire, but there have been other races where someone was a foregone conclusion, and it didn’t work out. Still, the state is very favourable to him, he’s got a great organization on the ground, he’s well known, and the primary process is much easier than the incredibly anti-democratic (small d) system.

The Republican side is very different. It’s a whole disparate audience for them. Religion and guns are not going to play in New Hampshire the way that they, and ethanol, play in Iowa. Plus, the gloves are off. Fascinating hearing Chris Christie referring to Marco Rubio as “The Boy in the Bubble“. Amazing that Ben Carson didn’t see it coming last night the the Cruz campaign texted that Carson was done after Iowa. (He accepted their apology today.) The Republican dirty tricks are just starting, and should be really fun to watch. Perhaps we’ll see more fraud mailers, as the Cruz campaign sent out in Iowa. Depending on how you calculate it, Jeb! spent between $2,600 and $12,000 for each vote he received at the caucuses. WHAT will they spend on in the next week? Trump was contrite last night; his speech concise and good, right up until he said he’d probably buy a farm in Iowa. Continue Reading...

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Iowa Democratic Caucus Results

There are two sets of delegates: those elected out of the caucuses, and the Super Delegates. The latter pick their candidates. The former voted, initially, as:

Clinton – 49.9%
Sanders – 49.6%
O’Malley – 0.6%

These numbers will change through the process, which will culminate in April, as O’Malley’s percentage will be reassigned. However, the split for delegates will be about even between Clinton and Sanders.

Posted in Primary and Caucus Results | 1 Comment

Cruz wins by 1 vote

1 delegate, that is. Initial projections:

Cruz: 8
Trump: 7
Rubio: 7
Carson: 3
Paul:  1 ?
Kasich: 1?

(Politico has it as 8/7/6/2/1 – 24 allocated) Continue Reading...

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Last Second Decisions

One of the thing that makes it difficult to forecast primaries (as opposed to general elections) is that people tend to make last second decisions.  This problem is not because primary voters are more indecisive than general election voters, but mostly because they have more choices.  In the general, 96% of the voters know well in advance whether they will be voting Republican or Democrat.  In a primary, voters have to choose which Republican or which Democrat will best represent them and their party in the general election.  That choice involves every voter deciding what is more important — pragmatism or ideology.

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