Monthly Archives: August 2020

Dems announce convention themes

Two hours each night:

The convention will take place over four nights from August 17-20, 2020 and will air live from 9:00-11:00 PM Eastern each night. Over the course of those four nights, programming centered around the following thematics will aim to unite Americans from coast-to-coast around Joe Biden’s vision to build a better future for all.

  • Monday, August 17: We the People—This convention is about Americans rising up to take our country back—and move forward as a nation together. As we have learned throughout our history, when we stand united, we can overcome anything, including the monumental challenges we face today. With Joe Biden as president, ‘we the people’ will mean all the people. Continue Reading...

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Census Sabotage

Most of the Constitution consists of “cans” and “can’ts.”  There are only a few “musts” — things that the government has to do.  One of the big musts is that, at least once every ten years” the government must conduct the census — or, as the Constitution phrases it in Article I and the Fourteenth Amendment, an enumeration of the whole number of persons in the United States.  The sole exception to being counted is “Indians not taxed.”

Now despite this plain language, Republicans do not like that persons includes those who are not citizens, particularly those who have not lawfully entered this country.  While the total number of unlawful immigrants is small, they tend to be concentrated in urban areas that elect Democrats.  (Of course, this tendency is offset by the large margins by which Democrats win urban areas.)   While there may be some electoral college disadvantages to not counting unlawful immigrants, Republicans have tended to conclude that the advantage in terms of the U.S. House and state legislatures outweighs any electoral college disadvantages.   Despite this clear command, the lawbreaker-in-chief has issued a memorandum asking the Census Bureau to exclude unlawful immigrants from the count used to apportion the House of Representatives.

Aside from the lack of legal authority for this directive, it is also unconstitutional.  Most of the arguments that I have seen out there supporting this position are simply misplaced.  Yes, other countries use different mechanisms for apportioning their legislation (for example, many use registered voters), but that is a policy argument supporting a constitutional amendment.  Policy arguments over what the Constitution should say (whether about redistricting or the electoral college) does not alter what the Constitution actually says. Continue Reading...

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Biden to give acceptance speech in Delaware

Well, hopefully they give Milwaukee the convention in 2024. Word is that only Wisconsin Dems will be in Milwaukee in 2 weeks.

Meanwhile, after giving up on both Jacksonville and Charlotte, Trump has, of course, floated giving his acceptance speech from the White House, which, of course, is totally improper, and likely illegal.

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The VP Pick is?

According to the latest news, future president Joe Biden will be announcing his VP pick during the upcoming week.  (At the latest, it would be the following week with the virtual convention scheduled to start on August 17.)  As I noted two months ago, there are two things that go on behind the scenes which make guessing the name a fool’s errand — skeletons in the closet and personal compatibility.  Simply put, even if we knew what Joe Biden wanted in a candidate, we would not know what the vetting of the potential candidate revealed and among the three or four candidates who meet the wish list of qualities and survive vetting we would not know which one will “click” with Vice-President Biden.   But the third factor — political considerations — is something that we can talk about.

There are three aspects to political considerations:  1) the status quo (what the current state of play is in the race); 2) a guess about November (regardless of where things are now, what states will be in play in November); and 3) what are your goals for the next four years (how will the pick help your administration).  On the third consideration, it is always possible to pick a running mate that you will keep mostly on the sidelines (see Dan Quayle), but most recent presidents have wanted somebody who would be able to handle some of the heavy lifting after the election.

The reality is that most VP picks have limited impact on the political equation.  They may make a marginal difference in their home state, but, as long as they are generally qualified, they tend to disappear into the background over the campaign with people ultimately voting based on the presidential candidate.  But the VP pick does say something about the judgment of the presidential campaign and their vision for their administration.  So here are the basic questions that the campaign has to answer. Continue Reading...

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