Tag Archives: Absentee ballot rules

Absentee Ballot Issues

A recurring issue with absentee ballots is the possibility that they might not get counted.  While the party of voter suppression hates to admit it, the reality is that there are more ballots rejected for technical reasons than fraudulent ballots.  However, despite all of the news stories, the rate of rejection is actually low.  It is safe to vote by absentee ballot as long as you are aware of the things that could cause your local election authority to reject your ballot and take appropriate steps to avoid those mistakes.

The leading cause for absentee ballots being rejected is that they arrive after the deadline.  If you do not know the deadlines in your state, that was covered in yesterday’s post on when votes might be counted.  With current concerns about the post office, you need to mail in your absentee ballot now.  If you have not already mailed it in, check with your local election authority about hand delivery.  (Most states allow it, but some have restrictions).

The second major cause is noncompliance with the rules for completing an absentee ballot.  And here is where the technical reasons for rejection play a major role. Continue Reading...

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