Tag Archives: Congressional Investigations

Supreme Court October 2019 Term — COVID 19 Reset

As with other institutions of government, COVID 19 has caused a degree of chaos in the court system.  The judicial system requires a degree of interaction between parties and judges, and social distancing requires finding new ways to handle these interactions.

The Supreme Court, like every other judicial institution, has had to find ways to cope.  Of course, the Supreme Court has been a notoriously slow institution to adapt to modern technology.  It was the last federal court to accept electronic filing.  As recently as a few years ago, everything but emergency petitions were filed by mailing (or having somebody personally deliver them) to the Supreme Court.

As this site has discussed over the years, the Supreme Court is what lawyers call a discretionary court.  That means that, with a limited number of exceptions, a party has to request that the Supreme Court take a case (the formal name for the request is a petition for writ of certiorari).  The Supreme Court then decides if it wants to hear the case.  So most of the decisions of the Supreme Court are decisions to not take a case.  There are also two small categories of cases in which the Supreme Court takes and immediately decides the case — both involving a reversal of the lower court.  One category is frequently referred to as “grant, vacate, and remand.”  Those cases typically involve an issue that the Supreme Court decided while the application for review is pending.  In these cases, the Supreme Court grants review, vacates the decision on that issue by the lower court, and remands (sends the case back) for the lower court to reconsider in light of the recently decided Supreme Court case on the issue.  The other is summary reversal.  These cases typically involve the unanimous conclusion that the lower court simply ignored the prior decisions of the Supreme Court.    But every year, the Supreme Court decides that it wants to fully hear approximately 70 cases per year (representing about 1% of the applications that the Supreme Court receives). Continue Reading...

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