Tag Archives: Justice Alito

A Partial Victory for Native Americans

The history of the United States is full of broken promises to Native American.  For a rather long period of time (in a pattern repeated in other places like Canada and Australia), part of the attempt of the European settlers to eliminate Native Americans was a practice of, for all intents and purposes, kidnapping children and placing them either in boarding schools or adopting them out to White parents to be raised without any knowledge of their ancestral culture.

During the Civil Rights era, several steps were taken to remedy these past sins.  In part, the federal government strengthened the powers of tribal governments.  Congress also passed the Indian Child Welfare Act to prevent a repeat of the efforts of some groups to break the tribes by stealing their youngest members.  Of course, in the U.S. no law stays the same forever, and interest groups always try to push back against the laws that are on the books.  Ultimately, these disputes end up at the Supreme Court, and recent terms have seen an ever growing number of cases related to Native Americans.  This term was no different, and this week saw the U.S. Supreme Court decide two cases related to Native Americans.

The “minor” case — Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Suprerior Chipewa Indians vs. Coughlin — involved the intersection between tribal government and bankruptcy law.  Like other governments, sometimes an individual who owes money to a tribal government will enter bankruptcy.  If a person owes money to a private business, that business is only allowed to take further steps to collect its debt through the bankruptcy court.  In this case, the debtor tried to have the bankruptcy court enforce the stay against the tribe.  Normally, governments (including the tribes) have immunity from being sued, but the bankruptcy code contains some exceptions.  By a 7-1-1 vote, the Supreme Court found that tribal governments are inclcuded in the limited waiver of immunity contained in the bankruptcy code.  The two who did not join the majority opinion were Justice Thomas and Justice Gorsuch for very different reasons.  Justice Thomas agreed with the majority that the tribe lacked immunity from being sued because the tribe was engaged in “commerical” rather than “governmental” activity and, therefore, would not have had immunity even without the provision in the bankruptcy code waiving that immunity.  Justice Gorsuch, however, would have found no waiver of immunity.  In this case Justice Gorsuch continued his pattern of being one of the foremost defenders of the tribes on the Supreme Court.  While this case was a “loss” for the tribes, it was a loss because the Supreme Court treated tribal governments as being equal to other governments. Continue Reading...

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