Tag Archives: Mueller Grand Jury

Trump and the Supreme Court (UPDATED)

Even though Joe Biden will become President on January 20, Donald Trump is still the president.  Thus, until January 20, the policies of President Trump are still the policies of the U.S. Government, and Bill Barr and Noel Francisco still get to decide what position the U.S. will take in pending litigation

This week, the U.S. Supreme Court returns for its first set of oral arguments since Joe Biden became the presumptive President-elect.    And the session begins with a very big case — Trump vs. New York.  The issue in the case is whether unauthorized immigrants count as part of U.S. population in the census for the purpose of allocating congressional seats and government funding.

The big development on this case is that the Census Bureau will apparently be unable to meet the statutory deadline of late December for reporting the total count due to certain issues that have arisen in finalizing the count.    The U.S. Supreme Court had shortened the time limits on this case to make sure that they could hear arguments on it and issue a decision in a timely fashion.  But if the numbers will not be available until after January 20, and President Biden opts to use the full count, this case could disappear as moot.  I would prefer that the Supreme Court issue a decision upholding the plain language of the Constitution requiring a count of all persons residing in the U.S., but, as long as the Republicans attempt to manipulate the numbers fails, I can live with a non-decision. Continue Reading...

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