People I Hate Today

Yeah, I know, “hate” is bad….but it’s that kind of morning.

I’m starting with supposedly Democratic Congressmen Dan Lipinski and Collin Peterson who yesterday joined with the Republicans in sending an Amicus brief to the Supremes asking for Roe v Wade to be rescinded. Our tent is not that big. Legalized abortions don’t cause abortion, just make the abortions that would occur otherwise less likely to kill the woman.

And then there’s Kevin McCarthy, who has been in Congress long enough to know that when the person in the Oval Office is going to start a war, PRIOR to launching a murderous drone attack, the Gang of Eight needs to be notified. And I’m thinking about the US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, paragraph 11, which gives Congress (and only Congress) the right to declare war. Now, to be honest, it doesn’t directly call out “CAUSING” a war, but I think the implication is inherent.

The real hate in my heart, however, is reserved for the Orange Menace who ordered the assassination of Qasem Soleimani, and other high ranking Quds Force leaders, on Iraqi soil. Think an assassination can’t start a World War? Remember Archduke Ferdinand? No? It was the spark that ignited what became World War I.

Don’t get me wrong, Soleimani was a bad guy in every regard. But in murdering Soleimani, Cadet Bone Spurs managed to bring together disparate clans and sects who will now rise as one. Much as he united the Democratic Party in opposition to his horror shows, the Sunnis, Shi’ites, Christian Arabs from countries that don’t always get along will all now have a common enemy.

Now on the bright side, they may close the Straits of Hormuz, causing a disruption in the flow of oil, which could decrease fossil fuel use…..okay, they might close the Straits, but we’ll save the upshot of our oil usage for another rant. They may choose to bomb Israel, which is innocent in all this, as even the Israelis knew better. They may attack our embassies worldwide. They may well weaponize American aircraft and attack our cities. Again.

This is what happens when the adults have left the building. The Republicans in the Senate will stand with Putin’s Gambit, as they always do, even as hundreds, if not thousands, die from the blowback. As we wait for the next round of impeachment hearings, which will likely generate additional Articles, the Cabinet could invoke the 25th  Amendment. Oh, wait, they’ve sold their souls. But hey, a simple solution to avoiding World War WOULD be to turn Captain Chaos over to the Iranians as a peace offering. Sadly, there is no one in the inner circle who would take away his phone, much less turn him over.

And who will stand with us? The Giant Chickenhawk conducts “diplomacy” by tweet, with no input from anyone who actually knows anything. In so doing, he has alienated every ally America ever had. Even his “friends” Putin and Kim will be hands off: they will protect their own OR join those who would do us harm.

The worst part of this is the knowledge that F**kface von Clownstick did this because he was impeached. For absolutely no other reason. I still stand by the necessity of having impeached him, because it was dictated by the Constitution, and not politics. And we could have predicted that he would have done something, in response. But not this.

Can’t say it often enough: Elections have consequences.

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