Category Archives: COVID-19

The COVID Shutdown and the Law

For the past week or so, those who follow the news has been treated to the experience of misinformed Tea Party wannabes protesting that the COVID 19 restrictions adopted by state and local governments are violating their constitutional rights.  For those of us who have been following the courts, however, we have seen red state attorney generals winning cases against abortion providers who claim that those restrictions go too far in terms of limiting abortion.

For the most part, the restrictions at issue in these cases have been the limits placed by the various states on “elective” surgical procedures.  One example of the red states winning this case came earlier this week in the Eighth Circuit (which covers much of the farm belt in the central part of this country) looking at the restrictions imposed by Arkansas.  In the case, the Attorney General of Arkansas (supported by most of the red state Attorney Generals) asked for relief from the trial courts order enjoining the enforcement of this ban on non-emergency surgical abortions.  While the application of the law to the case is debatable under the specific facts of the case, the Eighth Circuit was clear on the law that applies to COVID-19 orders.

The basic principle — often repeated by the courts — is that constitutional rights are not absolute.  Instead, in some very narrow circumstances, the obligations of government to protect the public can overcome constitutional rights.  In cases decided in the late 1800s and early 1900s when local and national epidemics were somewhat common, the United States Supreme Court held that the “liberty secured by the Constitution . . . does not import an absolute right in each person to be, at all times and in all circumstances, wholly freed from restraint.”   In particular, “a community has the right to protect itself against an epidemic of disease which threatens the safety of its members.”   As such, “the rights of the individual in respect of his liberty may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand.” Continue Reading...

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The Tentative Remaining Primary Schedule

Less than three weeks ago, we had Echo Tuesday with six states holding primary contests.  At that point in time, COVID 19 was a growing concern.  In short order, the party moved the debate between Vice-President Biden and Senator Sanders from Arizona with a full audience to D.C. and no audience and states began to move their primaries to minimize the impact of COVID 19.  Now, we have an entirely new schedule for the last three months of the primary season.

Before going into the details of the current schedule, as Matt noted yesterday, there are real issues with holding the Democratic convention in mid-July.  Aside from the health issues, there are also issues caused by the revisions to the primary calendar.

First, while the media pays a lot of attention to the initial results on election night, those results are merely the initial results.  There are still some absentee ballots and provisional ballots to count (and in the case of vote-by-mail states that number can be very significant).   So it can take two weeks or more for the local election authority to finalize their counts.  Those counts then have to be sent to the state election authority which has to add all of those results together to get the final official result.  In part for this reason, the current rules require that primaries be held no later than June 9.    However, some of the primaries are now scheduled for June 23 (and more may join them if the current shutdown is extended).  It is almost impossible that those states will have a final result before a July 13 convention. Continue Reading...

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Notes from your Doctor: Markets and Medicine

The market has fallen one Fibonacci, we’re in correction territory. For those of us retired or close to retirement, who don’t have pensions — this can be scary. For the one percent, it’s a buying opportunity. As a member of the 99%, I have found that throwing my 401(k) statements directly in the fireplace is easiest on the nerves.

But I don’t really understand the market, and I am not a source of information on it, beyond being able to quote Goldman-Sachs which announced yesterday that if the market falls much more, it’s a true threat to the Orange Menace’s chances for re-election, so I’m cool with having to live on cat food.

The real problem, and one you need to be concerned with, is that the Chief Cheeto only cares about the market. And there is nothing he can do about it – the Fed needs to hold off as long as possible in dropping interest rates because they’re going to need that ability. They’ll get to zero and start quantitative easing again. The ONE AND ONLY THING over which the regime has power is to stop the flow of correct information relative to Covid-19 to endeavor to convince people that “everything’s okay”. Sadly for the cabal, “the market” isn’t that dumb. Continue Reading...

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What if they gave a Convention and Nobody came?

Last evening the first community based US coronavirus case was announced. There is never just one. And so, just like flu hits different areas of the country at different times, there will be pockets and hot spots, and then they’ll clear and there will be others.

In China, the first cases arose in November of 2019. (Yes, that’s correct, not December.) It was noticed by medical personnel in December, who were silenced by the regime (and several later died), and not “believed” by the Xi regime until late January, when they began locking down China. It is now two months later, and China is still in partial lock-down. It will take another few months, at least, to get back to full speed.

The difference between China (and Italy, Iran, South Korea and Japan) is that we know it’s coming, and we are learning every day from what those countries do what works and what doesn’t. And we know the best possible thing to do is to test people, and the worst possible thing to do is to place large numbers of people in an enclosed space. Like, um, a political convention with people coming from all over the country, and journalists coming from other countries. Continue Reading...

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Notes from Your Doctor: Preparing for Pandemic

When not if…that was the word from CDC yesterday, and they’re correct. Covid-19, aka coronavirus is here, and it will at some point be “community based” meaning that it will spread from person to person amoungst people who have not been to any of the affected areas, and were not repatriated.

Is it time to panic? No.

It is, however, time to prepare. Continue Reading...

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